PoW Camps Information


Much of the information in this section has been extracted from Oliver Clutton-Brock's book FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME (ISBN 1 904010 00 0)

General Information

PoW camps occupied by 49Sqn members were run either by the Luftwaffe or the Wehrmacht. The Luftwaffe had an interrogation centre (Durchgangslager der Luftwaffe) which was simply known as 'Dulag Luft'. Luftwaffe PoW camps began with the name 'Stalag Luft' (Stammlager Luftwaffe). Luftwaffe camps accommodated Officer and NCO aircrew in different compounds within the same camp. Wehrmacht camps were strictly segregated. Officers would be held in an Offizierenlager (Oflag) and NCOs in a Stammlager (Stalag). Wehrmacht 'Oflag' and 'Stalag' camps with the same number were often in quite different geographical locations.

DLDulag LuftOberursel, Frankfurt and Wetzlar, Germany2
KL3Koncentrationslager 3Buchenwald, Germany1
21BOflag 21BSchubin bei Bromberg (Szubin), Poland1
344Stalag 344Lamsdorf (Lambinowice), Germany9
357Stalag 357Oerbke, Fallingbostel, Germany44
383Stalag 383Hohenfels,Germany2
4BStalag 4BMühlberg27
8BStalag 8BLamsdorf (Lambinowice), Germany9+5
9CStalag IXCBad Sulza, Germany1
L1Stalag Luft 1Barth50
L3Stalag Luft 3Sagan (Zagan)52
L4Stalag Luft 4Gross Tychow (Tychowo), Poland18
L6Stalag Luft 6Hydekrug (Silute)65
L7Stalag Luft 7Bankau (Bakow), Poland11
5AStalag VALudwigsburg1
6JStalag VIJKrefeld-Fichtenhain1